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The Buyers Requests (BR) is Fiverr's Elysium. We all want to drink from its living waters. But too oftentimes, the waters taste bitter--especially for new sellers (like myself). We have even fallen into the waters and carried adrift into unpalatable places. We have been drowned in the seas of Fiverr's algorithms and buyers' demands. If you have been wondering if BR is for everyone, you're not alone. And the hard truth is--it's not for everyone. Sorry.
By the time you finish this piece, you will have realized why it's not for everyone. It's my sincere desire that you experience a paradigm shift in your thinking for good. Enjoy!
Don't drop generic comments
Do you know why humans hate robotic answers? Because we are not robots. Simple! I don't know about you, but I dislike my buyers giving me Fiverr's generic review comments. I prefer a lightweight seller's Thank you to Fiverr's Outstanding experience. That's that by the way. Where were we? Ok.
Everyone of us has a unique personal flavour, use that to your advantage. Don't just copy and paste your old proposals (generic or related); it could be tempting I know, because you want to beat others in time. But what's the point of submitting irrelevant, extraneous proposal in time?
Believe me, I've been there and I got no results. But the moment I realized I've been doing what I wouldn't want anyone do to me--robotic, lifeless answers--I changed the game. And it worked, works and will work! I may not get the job all the time, but the buyer hit my inbox most of the time!
The game is quality versus time
Two days ago, I bid for a job applying this new-thought principle of avoiding generic and weak proposals. I think I was the 5th to apply. I carefully wrote my proposal, answered all the questions the buyer asked and submitted. You guessed right--I got the job.
Amazing seller!
It's good to introduce yourself, but it's better to know the buyer is primarily interested in what you can offer. A simple hello and few lines (2 to 5) of introduction is ok. A well-written proposal will compel the seller to visit your profile to know more about this amazing seller (you!). Or make the seller return back to his barbecue (BBQ) before going in search for another seller.
Address the issue at hand
Having introduced yourself, it's now time to showcase your knowledge by addressing the request on ground. Don't be verbose, be pithy and gracious. Go straight to the point and don't be tempted to go into telling your buyer boring details of how you worked for one client, how she was pleased ... I thought you already introduced yourself. Spare the windy details.
In conclusion, what makes a proposal a badass is not really time (though that's important--don't be far behind because buyers don't have the whole day) but an engaging content. Ask the buyer relevant questions to let him know you read and understand or trying to understand his request. For example, if the request is to write a novel in fantasy genre, ask basic questions like:
1. What POV would you like? (If the client is a bit generous with details on the requests, this is the time to even offer reasons why a particular POV is the best.)
2. In what tenses should it be written? You can tell the buyer something like this, "Composite POV's is rare but it could make your novel stand out. Would you want that?"
And so on. These tell the buyer you know what you're doing and you have experience (even if you have not offered such service before on Fiverr or for anyone). I'm not saying you have not written a novel before--don't even think of ghost writing a novel if you haven't written one before--but you haven't written for others prior to now except your personal works.
By now you must have realized ( we all realize at some point) that BR isn't for everyone; it's not for those,
1. Who emulate the ways of robots.
2. Are too lazy to write pithy proposals.
I hope this helps someone. What other BR tips work for you? Hit the comment box.
Thank you!
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